The end is just the beginning

I finally did it - I hit ‘the end’.

Only it’s not as simple as that, not really. I first typed ‘the end’ back in July. Then I did another draft, smoothing over some of the lumps in the narrative and the flow. There were still major problems with the plot and it was only with the help of my editor Nicole that I was able to resolve them. That eventually became draft three.

And that’s where I am today - the story works, I think, and I’m happy with the characters.

Today I’m sending it to my beta readers - Helen, Jo, Paul, David, Bernadette, Mum, and Auntie Anne (actually that’s quite a few, now I look at it…) then there’s an anxious wait to see what they say. Fingers crossed they like it. That’s the thing about putting your writing out there - you’re exposing yourself, inviting criticism. My writer’s ego is fragile!

While I’m waiting for them to read it and give their opinions, I’ve got time to prepare some of the admin that goes with self-publishing. I’m loving the resources and courses on Reedsy, as well as The Creative Penn - I’ve listened to Joanna’s podcast since the beginning of my first draft and she had me convinced from the start that self-publishing was the way to go. If you’re writing a book or even if you’re just thinking about it, those are some great places to start.


I miss reading